
The Fat Hate Autoblocker is a tool for Twitter users to block fat hating trolls automatically, using the Block Together app.

How to subscribe-

Sign up for the Block Together app.

The subscribe to the Fat Hate Autoblocker block list.

The list is quite large and includes blocks from the Block Bot and the GG autoblocker, so their blocks are included.  It will take some time for the initial blocks to happen on your account. 

Block Together will not block anyone you are already following, and you can manually unblock anyone you choose.

You can follow the Block Fat Hate account on Twitter.

If you feel you have been added to this list in error, you can contact me.  Please put Autoblocker in the subject line.

The idea for an autoblock list for the Fat Acceptance community was inspired by both the Block Bot & the GG autoblocker.  Much thanks to the blockers and creators of both.